The educational system strongly encourages music, drama and visual arts at all level.
教育系统大力扶植各种水平的音乐 、 戏剧和影视艺术.
互联网Those visual arts linearcharacter , such as drawing and engraving, esp. those that involve printing and printmaking.
平面视角艺术,特别是指与印刷业有关的素描 、 雕刻等.
互联网Art is also as birds'combination, belongs to the field of Visual Arts.
丑术又称为造型艺术, 是属于触觉艺术范畴的.
互联网Visual Arts, including architecture, sculpture, painting and photography categories.
触觉艺术包罗建造 、 雕塑 、 绘画和拍照等几个种别.
互联网Meaning In The Visual Arts - Papers In and On Art History.
意义的视觉艺术 - 论文和艺术史.
互联网Set up game visual arts, digital visual effects and other professional direction.
设有游戏视觉艺术 、 数字视觉特效等专业方向.
互联网Leading you into the new age of visual arts, and upgrade your art - knowledge.
互联网Television titles in visual arts film is the art and design characteristics.
互联网The visual arts are painting and dancing, etc. as opposed to music and literature.
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